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Image by Marisol Casben

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Sprouting is a great way to get the most out of your grains, beans, legumes and seeds. You’re probably wondering what sprouting is and why people do it. Sprouting is the natural germination process that all plant seeds go through. This is the early stages of growth for a plant, during this stage, the nutrients in the food are more bioavailable and also easier for our bodies to absorb. Here is a quick step by step guide to show you how to grow your own sprouts at home. There are kits you can buy for sprouting, or use things you might already have at home.

What you will need:

· Pint mason jar or sprouting container

· Filtered water

· Mesh strainer

· Cheese cloth

· Something to sprout. Lentils, chickpeas, rice, quinoa, millet are a few that I sprout most often.


1. Wash and sanitize all of your equipment.

2. Rinse product with fine mesh strainer, discard any dirt or debris.

3. Place product in jar.

4. Place cheese cloth on top of jar and screw on ring.

5. Fill jar with filtered water. Allow to soak in water for 8-12 hours.

Rinse, drain repeat:

1. Pour water out of jar.

2. Thoroughly rinse product in jar with filtered water, 2 times.

3. Pour water out of jar.

4. Place jar inverted on an angle to allow remaining water to drain and also allow air circulation.

5. Repeat steps 2-4, two times a day; for two to three days. If you notice a really bad smell, discard and start over to prevent getting sick.

6. Sprouts will grow a small tail about ¼ inch long. At this point they are ready to be harvested.


1. Give one final rinse and drain.

2. Remove sprouts from jar, onto a clean paper towel.

3. Let air dry for 30 minutes.

4. Line a container with a clean tea towel or paper towel and place your sprouts into container, then put the lid on.

5. Store in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.

Sprouts can be used in various applications, from salads, sandwiches, soup, breads and desserts. I will have to share some recipes using sprouts in the future. I hope you will give sprout growing a try at home, they’re a great way to get the most nutrients out of you food. Let me know if you have any questions about the process.

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